New Year's Traditions

Happy New Year everybody! I can’t believe it’s 2015 already. Did you kick up your heels on New Year’s Eve? I celebrated with family and friends with lots of good food and drinks. Pretty normal compared to other celebrations around the world. Some countries have very unique traditions when it comes to ringing in the New Year.

Denmark:  As midnight approaches, people stand on chairs (sounds dangerous after a night of drinking!) and at the stroke of midnight everyone jumps off and into a new year. They also throw dishes at the doors of friends and relatives.

Spain:  At midnight partiers each eat 12 grapes signifying good luck for the next 12 months.

Central & South America:  It’s tradition to wear brightly colored underwear, especially red and yellow for New Year’s Eve. Red is supposed to bring you love and yellow more money. (I think I’d layer up and wear both colors!)

Scotland:  Bonfire ceremonies are held and, especially in the small village of Stonehaven, villagers parade in the streets while swinging fireballs on poles over their heads. The fire is supposed to represent the sun and purification for the new year to come.

Compared to some of these festivities my New Year ’s Eve party was pretty lame! Just kidding, I had a wonderful time and what’s even better, no one fell off a chair, caught fire, or got hit in the head with a dish. Next year though, I’m going to be sure to wear some red and yellow undies! I need all the luck I can get.  
