Selling Your Home During the Holidays

Oct. 31, 2014 | Written by: Lori

If you are one of those people who love to decorate and you’re trying to sell your home when Halloween and the holidays are approaching, you may need to rein in your enthusiasm for decoration just a tad. I once drove past a house with about 25 of those blow up decorations crowding the front yard. I mean, who doesn’t love those blow up decorations (me), but this is a little overboard. Here are some general guidelines for holiday decorating while your home is on the market:

  • Even before you add any sort of decoration make sure you’ve cleaned and put away anything that’s cluttering your home both inside and out. Start packing all the knick knacks, pictures and other things you won’t need right now. It makes your house appear cleaner and more open.
  • When you’re ready to decorate have a tasteful and light touch. Try to create a warm, cozy and inviting atmosphere in your home. Add things that enhance your décor with little touches here and there. For example, if you have arched doorways or a beautiful fireplace add some decorations that will draw a buyer’s eye to them. Decorate with things that complement the paint colors, carpeting, furniture, etc. in your home. Also, delicious smells like freshly baked cookies or hot apple cider are always good when your house is being shown.
  • As you are trying to sell your home, try to keep your decorations more neutral. In other words, you may want to leave the giant nativity scene for your lawn in storage for the time being. Also, Christmas trees are fine however make sure they aren’t so big that they engulf your floor space. You want to make sure your home feels as large and spacious as possible.
  • I think it was Coco Chanel who said when you get dressed in the morning and you’ve put on your makeup and jewelry, before you head out the door, take one thing off. Always keep in mind that less is usually more.

If you are thinking about putting your home on the market during this upcoming holiday season, call and any one of our wonderful agents will guide you step by step through the selling process. The holidays can be hectic for everyone but hopefully you'll allow us to help you get your house sold!



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