Is Your Home Ready for Valentine's Day?

Feb. 10, 2017 | Written by: Lori

These tips will help to "set the mood' in your home for Valentine's day and are awesome to make the atmosphere in your home happier and healthier year-round!


Clutter is a big turn off in any home. It chips away at your mental and emotional state with the chaos it creates. Studies show that people who have clutter tend to suffer from more headaches, asthma, allergies, sleeping issues and even depression. Get rid of anything you don't love, need or use. Your health and love life depend on it.   


Get some good vibes going by using the principles of Feng Shui (a system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy). For example, don't clutter up entry ways and hallways because it blocks the flow of good energy throughout your home. Don't store anything under your bed or your quality of sleep will suffer. Get rid of old books to allow room for new ideas and knowledge to enter your life. 


If you want romance in the air, then you should get rid of any bad odors in your house. When possible open windows to allow fresh air in and stale air out. Proper cleaning will eliminate a lot of odors so be sure to keep up a good cleaning schedule. And, if you need to set the mood, light a pretty scented candle, or even better, diffuse some essential oils for a healthier approach to freshening the air. 


Any of these simple things will invite more loving energy into your home and make it a soothing sanctuary, just in time for Valentine's Day!

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